Amazon is the world’s largest e-commerce platform and a customer base of more than a billion users worldwide. From a nail pin to an iPhone, this platform sells just about everything and anything. With such varied listings and a huge customer base, Amazon is no doubt the number one e-platform that sellers want to sell their products on.
The reason for such wide popularity of the e-commerce platform is its reliability and customer service policies. Amazon has been known to put customer as its priority and hence have laid out a stringent selling policy which the seller needs to abide by in order to sell his products on Amazon.
However, there have been several cases where Amazon might suspend your shop or your ASIN (Amazon Standard Identification Number) when certain guidelines are violated. In such a case, the seller can contact the Seller Performance or Product Quality section to reinstate his account. If unresolved, you can escalate Amazon suspension appeal further to reinstate your account.
5 Possible Reasons for Amazon Account Suspension
Amazon can suspend your account for various reasons. Some of them are as follows:
» Untimely delivery and dispatch of various products
» Misguided or false information being provided to the customer
» A difference in the product description and actual product delivered
» Selling someone’s trademark products without proper copyrights or reselling permission
» Frequent complaints by the customer on the customer service being provided to them (every bad review and rating will affect the health of your shop)
Whatever the reason may be, the Amazon Seller Performance team carefully reviews your online activities then sends you a suspension warning and a seller suspension notice citing the reasons for the suspension.
How to File an Amazon Suspension Appeal
After your account has been suspended, you can file an Amazon suspension appeal letter. When you file an appeal letter, the concerned department will usually revert to you suggesting documents that you need to submit in order to reinstate your account.
This is the first step of appealing against a suspension. Always make sure that you reach the concerned department and not a person so that your appeal can be recognized and resolved. After that, you will receive an appropriate reply citing further details of your suspension and the steps or documents needed to restore your shop.
Collect those documents, present them in a documented way, and respond back with a plan of action (POA) on how you are going to improve upon your service. After further conversation, there is a chance that the Seller Performance team may reinstate your ASIN and your shop could be back online.
What is Amazon Escalation Process?
Commonly known as the Bezos escalation appeal or ‘letters to Jeff’, the escalation Amazon appeal is a formal email to the higher authority of Amazon escalation department in case the seller feels the Seller performance department isn’t capable of solving his problems.
The purpose of this team is to review the seller’s appeal and look for details that the previous team might have missed, giving the sellers another chance for their shops to be reinstated.
Prior to contrary belief, sending out a mail to request Amazon escalation at [email protected] will not get your job done quickly. A lot of forums and pages have been known to spread the rumor that escalating your appeal to this email will get your work done at all costs.
This is not the case at all when you send out an Amazon escalation mail to the said email. It doesn’t necessarily mean that it gets forwarded to the Executive Sellers relation team. You need to have a strong, precise, and direct to the point appeal along with a determined Plan of Action in order to have your appeal worked upon by the Amazon escalation department.
How to lose your Amazon account forever
Considering your appeal and your POA gets rejected by the concerned Customer Relations department, you may find it easy to bombard the Executive team with hundreds of emails to pressure them in reinstating your account. Unfortunately, spamming them to escalate Amazon is nothing but a one way to never get your account back and will only result in permanent termination of your shop.
You need to understand that you are not filing a plea of mercy in order to reinstate your account. Instead, you are writing a determined POA along with attached proofs to Jeff Bezos to present your case and state why your case needs to be restudied.
Be 100% sure of your appeal as well as POA before escalating your Amazon appeal suspension. If you mistime your appeal, failed to follow the given format, or bother the wrong people, Amazon may stop giving you chances to reinstate your Amazon seller account. The Investigation department will mark your account as a lost cause and send the FW (Final Word – no future replies expected) mail to you. Say goodbye to your dreams of making a steady income by selling on Amazon Seller Central.
How do you escalate appeal Amazon suspension?
You can escalate your Amazon suspension appeal by sending an email to [email protected]. The executive seller relation team then gets back to you if they find your case worthy of a review. You need to compose two important pieces of documents in order to file your appeal. They are as follows:
• Escalation letter – this is a documented letter of your Amazon seller suspension appeal citing the reasons why you are reaching out to a higher authority and why they should review your case.
• Plan of Action – a plan of action are the steps that you will take in order to improve upon the reasons for which you have been suspended by the Amazon Seller team. It can be anything related to improving your product quality to the customer experience on your store. You can even add proof here that you have implemented the plan of action and are already seeing the results.
How to increase the effectiveness of your escalation appeal
There are a few points you can keep in mind in order to make your escalation appeal more effective. These include the following:
• Focus on the content of the escalation letter and POA and not on the frequency or recipient of the letter. If you are repeatedly sending out the same POA to Jeff and his team, it will only decrease your chance of getting noticed.
• Give them a reason to forward your appeal to a Senior Investigator. Make sure you have saliently listed out all the options on why you think your case needs a review, making it easier for the officer to notice your case and work forward on it.
• Describe your problem from their perspective. You need to understand that the executive team is composed of high-level executives working in one of the largest firms in the world. They will always think from the company’s perspective and how your reinstatement will be beneficial to Amazon and Jeff Bezos. Think that way, and give them reasons from their perspective only.
5 Mistakes to Avoid in Amazon account suspension appeal
It is totally understandable that you as a seller want your Amazon seller account back on track as soon as possible. However, being hasty in the process will only make things worse. You need to keep your calm and work on your appeal to make sure your seller performance gets back on the right track.
Here are a few points you need to keep in mind while appealing for an Amazon escalation:
» Do not write emotional stories like how your wife left with your kids as soon as your account got suspended, etc. Work on getting concrete points in your appeal letter and POA instead. Be firm and convincing.
» Do not escalate your appeal as long as it is the final option left. You have limited shots at getting your Amazon Seller account reinstated. Make sure you get all those chances counted.
» Work on your Plan of Action! Your appeal is only as strong as your determination to take measures to correct yourself. Amazon will not be willing to reinstate your Amazon seller account if you do not convince them that your process will be better.
» Give enough facts to support your appeal, but do not burden the investigative department with every minute detail of your conversation with the Sellers team. You need to understand the volume of work that they handle. If your escalation mail is difficult to understand, they might just skip over it and move on to the next case.
It is always best to prepare yourself for the appeal before putting the final nail in the coffin. Be prepared and be convincing, and Amazon will definitely be helping you reinstate your source of livelihood.
Bezos escalations are on the rise nowadays. Sellers will write ardent escalation appeals to reinstate their seller account. You do not need to do that. The fact that the company takes care of its sellers at such a high level should be a reason to rejoice and not blame them for their faulty mechanisms. The Bezos escalation is an apt tool to make sure your voice is heard and in your interests to converse with them in a professional manner.
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